Friday, April 29, 2011


Today is April 20, we have been here in Cowboy Town since April 16. I wasn’t going to do a blog this
year, but because my son Ron said he enjoyed it and I printed out last years and put them in my journal,
it seemed like a good idea. Cowboy Town is right by the rodeo grounds in Heber and also by the Heber
Creeper Terminal. There are more missionaries than last year. ( 108 last year and 126 this year.)

It has rained every day we’ve been here. There is more snow up on the mountain than last year. Earl
has been plowing and plowing trailer spots so people can move up there. A lot of the prayers have
been asking to temper the elements, so we can open up the mountain to people booked to come May
16. We have had a day of talks from our leader. Elder Donald Butler, an Area Authority Seventy, the
Manager (or Mission Pres) the YW Leaders of the Mountain. Today started training sessions. Things we
heard last year, but oh well!

April 23—Saturday

I am sitting in the truck at Camp Eliza R. Snow. This is where we will camp hosts with Elder and Sister
Gifford from Rexburg. I can get cell phone service right here at our camp, but not internet. Having cell
service will be a treat. It is snowing/raining right now and the men are trying to dig the snow away
from around the sewer and water and electrical hook-ups. The spots have been plowed for our trailers,
but everywhere else there is at least 4-5 ft of snow. This is the same camp we have reserved for our
Marshall Reunion August 5-6, 2011. Cool Coincidence!!!!!!